Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Putting pieces together

The last couple of days have been very productive for me in terms of work and writing. I have really struggled for the last few months to get things completed. I have been gathering experiences and writing chunks of things but these things were all in bits and pieces in my mind. What I have struggled with is bringing things together to form a complete piece of work or writing. I seem to flit between these chunks and do a bit of this and a bit of that but not really concentrate and bring it all together. I think a lot of it is the stress and intensity of life over the last couple of years and also the fact that snippits of time are all I had to work in whilst I was in hospital with William. I had to adapt to that. I have sat down with the Brompton Fountain 3 year strategy, which ends at the end of this year. I have actually done most of what I set out to do and the rest can be caught up with during this year. What is clear though is that the things I have managed to do lately have been things that could be done in bits and pieces. This week has been good as I have managed again to sit down and concentrate for long periods of time and complete fuller and more complete pieces of work.

Life feels the same. There are lots of bits and pieces that slowly need to be bought together. Some of them are clear where they fit but others not so. What is needed now is time to really reflect and to sit back and get some perspective. Lent is a time when Christians reflect on their lives and how they can be improved in terms of their relationship with God. Lent has never been so timely for me. I am using it to put the pieces of my spriritual life together. One of the books I am currently reading is 'The Day is Yours' by Ian Stackhouse. This is all about living each day at a time and using the natural rhythmns of the day to do so. This is something I am finding really helpful. One foot in front of the other, one step at a time, day by day and concentrating on the here and now. These things have been the biggest lessons I have taken from the last few months and years. I intend to live each day to the full and let those pieces fall into place naturally. The dust needs time to settle before the patterns it leaves behind can be seen.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Hi Sarah,

I'm glad you're beginning to feel more settled and you can see life getting back to 'normal' after the last few years. Well done with your writing.

Moll x x